Rabu, 18 Juli 2018

Ebook Download Summer Bridge Activities®, Grades 2 - 3

Ebook Download Summer Bridge Activities®, Grades 2 - 3

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Summer Bridge Activities®, Grades 2 - 3

Summer Bridge Activities®, Grades 2 - 3

Summer Bridge Activities®, Grades 2 - 3

Ebook Download Summer Bridge Activities®, Grades 2 - 3

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Summer Bridge Activities®, Grades 2 - 3

Color:Grades 2-3

From the Back Cover

School stops for the summer, but learning never should! Research shows that many students forget important school skills over the long summer vacation. Prevent summer learning loss with the award-winning, best-selling Summer Bridge Activities®. Get ready

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Product details

Color: Grades 2-3

Age Range: 7 - 8 years

Grade Level: 2 - 3

Series: Summer Bridge Activities

Paperback: 160 pages

Publisher: Summer Bridge Activities; Workbook edition (January 25, 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 148381582X

ISBN-13: 978-1483815824

Product Dimensions:

8.4 x 0.4 x 10.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.3 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.7 out of 5 stars

236 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#21,909 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Been working through this with my son who has trouble in school. He repeated 2nd grade, and is now going into 3rd grade, and this is helping him keep his skills up so that he won't have a huge culture shock when he gets into 3rd grade. He doens't enjoy doing it, but it is broken down into three sections, so get gets a nice prize after he completes a section. The work is not super intimidating (although he hates the reading activities) so he doesn't protest too much except in reading. I like how the exercises are all mixed up so he only has to do a little bit of everything, not tons of pages of one type of exercise. I will buy this again for him next year.

Simply put, this is a great activity book to help your child stay mentally active when out of school for the summer. It is not intended to be a full school curriculum, but instead a way to keep children mentally active during the summer break. We have a child leaving 2nd and heading to 3rd grade and were concerned about her skills being lost over the summer. While we do work with her to increase her skillset, we were more concerned about the atrophy that happens when not in school than jumping her ahead. It can be a bit tough for kids returning to school if they go 2-3 months with little book work, so we wanted to help keep her fresh but not fill her summer with full days of 'school' work.This book is a solid mix of skills with some being easy and others more of stretch. The easy and stretch items will vary with the schooling your child gets and their abilities. I suspect most kids heading to third grade will find most of the work in this book at least a strong refresher and potentially help move them in some areas. This is setup to be a roughly 15 minute daily regime but we have enhanced it with some other work. We have math and science specific activity books as well as a reading workbook that we rotate into the mix. We also keep track of words she has a harder time spelling and use them make a 10 spelling word weekly review and test (review for 4 days and test on the fifth). Most of these topics are in the bridge activities book, but we felt a little extra attention would not hurt and some variety in what she is working on keeps things fresh. We do spelling, reading/writing and a couple 'pages' of work each weekday which comes out to about a 45-60 minute batch of work. The Summer Bridge Activities books is a constant in the mix with a page used almost every day and the other work rotated.

We used to use Brain Quest and it was painful to get the boys through the mountain of pages. They had to do 5-10 a day! This book has the same stuff but in easier to swallow quantities. About 2/day and it includes optional experiments and physical activity. We’ll use these each summer instead!

This is the second summer I've bought these books. I've tried several brands and these have been the most helpful! Each day mixes some easy lessons with more challenging ones. Do they love to do workbooks? Not really...but they at least enjoy using the provided stickers when finishing a lesson (a little box is provided at the bottom of each lesson).

As a teacher, I have a few complaints with this workbook. It is like they took what a second grader should learn through out the whole year and threw it up in the air and how the sheets landed is the order the worksheets are in. For example day 14 is a mixed review of adding and subtracting three digit numbers with regrouping, then on day 17 it is adding and subtracting two digits with no regrouping. I would think the “easier” math should be first. Also they have short reading passages, the book ask what the moral of the story is. The problem with this is the three choices for answers are all idioms. Idioms are very difficult and not a second grade level skill. If your child thinks very linearly then this book is not for her/him.

I bought 2 of these books because I have twins who are going into 3rd grade. I love that each day has it's own page or two, there is a mixture of math, reading and physical activity each day! The kids aren't protesting too much either! I have set the rule that they must complete their 20 minutes of reading and the days work in this work book before they get any screen time or outside play. I am hopefully that these will help them retain what they have learned and even challenge them a little to learn more. Overall I feel that I got a great deal and would recommend these to friends. I would even buy them again for the appropriate grades.

We love to use these workbooks every summer. It is perfect - 1 page (front and back) for every day during the summer. It also includes some bonus physical activities and experiments. It doesn't take long to finish a page (5-20 min) and the kids can keep up some of their school skills during the summer. This is our 5th summer using these.

Best purchase for my kids this summer! The book has them do 2 pages a day and the pages are numbered as such 1,1,2,2,3,3 to 25 and repeats for each summer month. I LOOOVE knowing their minds are staying sharp!

These were a great help over the summer. The assignments didn't take to long to complete which is great especially when trying to tell an 8 year old that he has to do "school work" over the summer. However, it kept him engaged and prepared which is so critical. It started the 3rd grade on the right foot and is doing well in school. Will definitely use things books over the summer moving forward.

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Summer Bridge Activities®, Grades 2 - 3 PDF
Summer Bridge Activities®, Grades 2 - 3 PDF

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