Senin, 30 Juli 2012

Ebook Download Taliesin: The Pendragon Cycle, Book 1

Ebook Download Taliesin: The Pendragon Cycle, Book 1

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Taliesin: The Pendragon Cycle, Book 1

Taliesin: The Pendragon Cycle, Book 1

Taliesin: The Pendragon Cycle, Book 1

Ebook Download Taliesin: The Pendragon Cycle, Book 1

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Taliesin: The Pendragon Cycle, Book 1

Product details

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 19 hours and 17 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: Blackstone Audio, Inc. Release Date: October 19, 2000

Whispersync for Voice: Ready

Language: English, English

ASIN: B0000545AV

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

I love this book, this series and this author. I've read and re-read it. I finally broke down and purchased my own digital copy and I have to say I am appalled at the typos and grammatical errors found in the digital version that are virtually non-existent in the hard copy. It's beyond distracting. I saw on this site that the publisher had been notified. I wanted to add my voice to the others in case it might make a difference. I give the book itself 5 stars, without hesitation, but c'mon,'re better than this, right? Give Mr. Lawhead's work the respect it deserves and make this right.

This isn’t just another story about Atlantis. It’s also not just a story about how Christianity spread to the British Isles before the Dark Ages. It isn’t just a romance novel. It took a few chapters to draw me into the story. I’ve always believed in the existence of non-documented continents and lands before modern history. Most tales place Atlantis’ existence around 10,000 BCE or even further back. So Stephen Lawhead’s rendition was interesting and the merge with early Christianity was intriguing. They say truth may be stranger than fiction but fiction can play a lead role in the search for reality. I did find quite a few ‘typos’ in this first of the series. I’ll read the Merlin story although I’m not a strong fan of the era of knights, battles, and the Dark- Middle Ages. I wasn’t ready for the ending of Taliesin. Maybe the Merlin will offer more.

As the Pendragon Cycle goes, so goes Stephen Lawhead; his prose borders on the lyrical, his command of character persona flawless, his descriptive verse unmatched. Following his story line and witnessing the smooth meshing of various points of view is a pleasure. If the author possesses one flaw (albeit a miniscule one) it is his over-reliance of Christianity to narrate the tale at times---would have preferred the druid POV considering the time!frame.

The concept of this book makes it worth the read for those who like Arthurian legends, but the plot development was slow and the story overall lacked traction or complexity. This is a love story first and foremost, so those looking for a more action and adventure oriented story won't be satisfied. I was hoping that if an Arthurian Legend series was so bold as to start with Atlantis, well before Arthur was even born, that the story and immersion in myth, geography, and character would be a bit more challenging, deep, and enriched. It was not. It was fairly simple and I kept wondering when the plot would "take off." The broad concepts in this series are common to many King Arthur series, the pending external threat, the cultural and religious transitions, the rise of heroes, and are all included, and while they present drama, the writer presents these concepts as either too little, background mentioning, or too much, several exhausting pages of a character's cognitive process in dealing any particular drama. And though I only give it three stars, considering that this series has a good reputation, I am willing to pick up the next book, Merlin.

"Taliesin" is the first of five books in "The Pendragon Cycle". I found this retelling of the familiar Arthurian legend interesting because this book focuses entirely on Merlin's parents and the lost city of Atlantis. The author spent a significant portion of the book focusing on Atlantis to include the cities, buildings, governing system, a civil war, and a touch of religion focusing on the worship of Bel. Unfortunately, all of this was effectively thrown away when the ocean rose up to swallow the island state of Atlantis.There were several aspects of the book that I struggled with including Taliesin's origin, the age differences between Merlin's parents, and the mix of Christianity with pagan gods.I realize Christianity and the worship of the old gods were rival beliefs during England's rise to power in the early centuries, but I found it hard to believe a druid could worship the one true God while still using magical powers (e.g., spells, walking in the Otherwold, etc.) derived from the old gods. It seemed to be a bit of contradiction because Christianity would eschew these pagan things. I've seen and read Arthurian stories where druids, and Merlin in particular, had great magical powers, where they were shams relying on illusion and tricks, and where there were no magical abilities involved. This is the first time I've seen an author mix Christianity with magic.On the positive side, this retelling was clean as it didn't include sexual scenes, profanity, or violent/graphic battle scenes. There were skirmishes, but they were well done as to not focus on the blood and gore aspect. There was also a bit of a love story as this becomes an underlying theme throughout the book driving Merlin's parents together.

All of the most enduring legends and myths have roots in small kernels of truth. Atlantis, Arthurian legends, these are the stories we can't get enough of. Why? Because, the unanswered questions call out to us, haunting us. There have been other attempts at telling at fleshing out these tales, but none compare to this series, written by the modern day bard, Stephen R. Lawhead. His book, TALIESIN, is the beginning of a haunting journey back into the past, unraveling some of the mystery. Along the way, you will find magic, tragedy, joy, love, healing, and more, all woven into a fresh, yet timeless story. And, once you read TALIESIN, you'll crave more. Read it, and then read...MERLIN.

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Taliesin: The Pendragon Cycle, Book 1 PDF

Taliesin: The Pendragon Cycle, Book 1 PDF
Taliesin: The Pendragon Cycle, Book 1 PDF

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