Rabu, 16 November 2011

Ebook , by Hourly History

Ebook , by Hourly History

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, by Hourly History

, by Hourly History

, by Hourly History

Ebook , by Hourly History

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, by Hourly History

Product details

File Size: 3340 KB

Print Length: 38 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publication Date: November 19, 2018

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#162,656 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I've read "The Agony and the Ecstasy" but that was a fictionalized account of Michelangelo. This is a simple relaying of the facts of Michelangelo 's life. It was interesting to note how many different popes he actually worked for. If you ever wondered about the artist that painted the Sistine chapel, read this book.

Another interesting resume of a very talented man by Hourly History.Although - there's limited information about his personal life or his relationship/s with other (equally talented) artists of the same period.Just a few grammar glitches that should have been picked up.

Very informative biography of Michaelangelo. One disappointment is that there is very little said about any rivalry or comparison made with DaVinci. Another facet of his life that is barely mentioned is his sexuality or his alleged homosexual tendencies.

This book is like an inventory of his greatest works. There is little about him as a person and very little about the circumstances under which the works were created. For a quickie about him, this is fine. I wanted more information.

4 stars:- I like most art. I did not know anything about him. I read an article on him several years ago and I do not recall it. This book is interesting.🇺🇸

Reading any of this book series are well worth your time.

Good read for anyone with an art interest and background. Not an easy read for the rest of us. I

Very concise

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