Jumat, 15 September 2017

Get Free Ebook , by Hunter S. Jones Jessica Cale

Get Free Ebook , by Hunter S. Jones Jessica Cale

Downloading and install the book , By Hunter S. Jones Jessica Cale in this site lists could give you a lot more benefits. It will certainly reveal you the best book collections and also finished collections. So many books can be found in this site. So, this is not just this , By Hunter S. Jones Jessica Cale However, this book is described check out considering that it is a motivating book to give you a lot more chance to get experiences and also ideas. This is basic, review the soft data of guide , By Hunter S. Jones Jessica Cale and you get it.

, by Hunter S. Jones Jessica Cale

, by Hunter S. Jones Jessica Cale

, by Hunter S. Jones Jessica Cale

Get Free Ebook , by Hunter S. Jones Jessica Cale

Are you trying to find , By Hunter S. Jones Jessica Cale that comes to be an analysis resource quickly? Currently we welcome! We present the book that you really require currently. This publication is precisely developed for motivating many individuals who review it. If you actually have to obtain the book sooner, you are in the right speed. This internet site will not only use the book in soft file system directly. However, you could additionally take it directly as well as swiftly without investing some days to wait on or waiting for the moments you have downtime.

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, by Hunter S. Jones Jessica Cale

Product details

File Size: 4364 KB

Print Length: 224 pages

Publisher: Pen and Sword History (March 30, 2018)

Publication Date: March 30, 2018

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#379,463 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

This collection of eight historical essays, all written by women, gives great insight into how sexuality shaped history. , down to the influence of Victorian prostitution by Hunter S. Jones, .This provocative book is one you can't put down. Beginning with Emma Haddon-Wright's essay on Lady Godiva, which adds a refreshing feminist vibe to an old story, you'll be gripped by the very human true stories of sexuality and the cultural impact of each era. Following Ms Haddon-Wright essay, Annie Whitehead expertly shares the true story of an Anglo-Saxon menage that cost a King his crown. Jessica Cale gives insight into Courtly Love, Medieval thoughts on LGBTQ, and how their thinking was more progressive than I ever imagined.Maryanne Coleman explains how complicated Tudor marriages were, and Judith Arnopp does not disappoint when she examines the probability of a tryst between Anne Boleyn and Sir Thomas Wyatt. Gayle Hulme makes us see Mary, Queen of Scots as a very real, complicated woman.Dr Beth Lynne unravels the mystery of the monarchy and succession of the British Crown. Hunter S. Jones ends the work with a compelling essay on the global impact of Victorian prostitution. She helps us understand the women and men who had careers in the world's oldest profession. Her essay and the Godiva story bind seamlessly into bringing the stories full-circle.I felt that the work is well written and researched. Each essay could be it's own book, but this format gives us a better perspective of how British sexuality shaped women and gender roles into the 20th century. The biggest surprise was the story of Nashville in the Civil War. Well done, ladies.

I couldn’t wait to download the newest book from Hunter. Even though this is a history book, it will intrigue you from the beginning. All the essays are interesting, and you can see Hunter’s influence on the book, but the star is Hunter. She brings to the reader’s attention the conditions of women in the Victorian Era and what many of them had to endure. Her story shows how the early 20th century was shaped for and by women of the Victorian Era. I like that she isn’t critical of the women and men who turned to prostitution and views it as a career for them, and she doesn’t judge their choices. That makes them seem very real and human. The portrayals of Cora Pearl, ‘Skittles’, and Lillie Langtry give extra insight into how sexuality was utilized to advance on a social level. She magically blends the story arc into the unrest of the American Civil War, the sexual history of the South, as well as the settlement of the American Frontier. She has a way of explaining history through art, words, music and even fashion that is enchanting.

I waited with bated breath for this novel to become available in the US, because my friends in the UK were recommending it to me.I absolutely love this book! Each chapter gives you more insight into the past and how different eras viewed sexual practices and sexuality. Having been written by all female authors was an invaluable insight to me, Sexuality and Its Impact on History reads easily, educating and informing in such a charming way it was a pleasure to read. I especially like how Hunter S. Jones ends the book by bringing the reader into the 20th century. Her essay is the longest but gave me insight into how women handled the strict moral code of the Victorian Era, and how that affected the US during the Civil War and beyond. Well done ladies!

This book is not an exhaustive study. There’s a 300+-year gap in this book (from the Tudors to the Victorians) for no valid reason. Prinny’s impact on the sexual mores of the early 19th century is worth an essay in itself. I’m glad I only spent $4 on this.

Interesting read.

According to the authors’ description, Sexuality and Its Impact on History: The British Stripped Bare chronicles the pleasures and perils of the flesh, sharing secrets from the days of the Anglo-Saxons, medieval courtly love traditions, diabolical Tudor escapades (including those of Anne Boleyn and Mary Queen of Scots), and the Regency and the Victorian eras. That pretty much sums it up, however, it doesn’t fully convey that this is serious history. The last essay includes America, too… the Gold Rush and the Civil War and the women drawn to “service” the men involved. It also features a bit about the sex trade in New Orleans.Each author presents a segment of history and women whose stories are worth knowing. Along the way, you pick up some fascinating bits about marriage traditions and laws, prostitution and the reasons for it and the life of women in those eras.Heaven help you if you were a royal. The story of Mary, Queen of Scots was very compelling and well done. My heart went out to her, a queen at six days of age tor between those who wanted to take advantage of her claim to England’s throne. That her fellow Scots should betray her and her cousin, Elizabeth, murder her was a horrible end for so promising a life.As an author of historical romance who does extensive research for my stories, I found the book of keen interest. Others who just love reading about history will find it of interest, too. A great addition to the knowledge of women’s lives in history!

Sexuality and It’s Impact on History was a great peek into the history of some very powerful ladies who helped shape the female sexual role throughout British history.Author Haddon’s accounts of Lady Godiva were an eye-opener along with other ladies playing high roles in the royal courts. I enjoyed this collection and will often go back for future reference. These women portrayed were not just sex objects but women of power in their own right.As a writer of erotica, I found valuable information here on the roles in sexuality during those time periods.

, by Hunter S. Jones Jessica Cale PDF
, by Hunter S. Jones Jessica Cale EPub
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, by Hunter S. Jones Jessica Cale Kindle

, by Hunter S. Jones Jessica Cale PDF

, by Hunter S. Jones Jessica Cale PDF

, by Hunter S. Jones Jessica Cale PDF
, by Hunter S. Jones Jessica Cale PDF

Jumat, 08 September 2017

Free Ebook Invincible: Inside Arsenal's Unbeaten 2003-2004 Season

Free Ebook Invincible: Inside Arsenal's Unbeaten 2003-2004 Season

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Invincible: Inside Arsenal's Unbeaten 2003-2004 Season

Invincible: Inside Arsenal's Unbeaten 2003-2004 Season

Invincible: Inside Arsenal's Unbeaten 2003-2004 Season

Free Ebook Invincible: Inside Arsenal's Unbeaten 2003-2004 Season

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Invincible: Inside Arsenal's Unbeaten 2003-2004 Season


"This book is so full of exclusive interviews you'll soon feel like part of the squad. A worthy tribute to one of English football's best ever teams, it makes you long for one more game at Highbury."  —Shortlist"Unbeatable insight."  —Daily Telegraph

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About the Author

Amy Lawrence has written about soccer for the Guardian and Observer for 20 years.

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Product details

Hardcover: 256 pages

Publisher: Penguin UK (October 1, 2014)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 024100456X

ISBN-13: 978-0241004562

Product Dimensions:

6.5 x 1.1 x 9.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.1 pounds

Average Customer Review:

4.5 out of 5 stars

32 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#457,237 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

As an Arsenal fan, this book has shown me all the secrets behind that big winning team.It tells you very much about how mental strength and intelligence plays a huge part in winning things. Talent can be an added advantage but super mental strength is fundamental for success. This team had it all in every department. And teamwork will simply seal it for you with such strength.I encourage every Arsenal player of the future generations to read this book and learn how to win. The same can also be learned by any other individual who want a winning character !

Great book! Really shows how Arsene Wenger turned the Gunners into a modern, world class organization and the achieved the impossible. The book is full of interviews and insights from the players and coaches who made it happen. Makes me wish I could go back in time to see the Arsenal play at Highbury.

I came to Soccer/Football late, through marrying a fan. My second year of learning the game was 2003/4. Wow.Will there ever be another invincible season? Perhaps. But mega money changes the dynamics. These Invincibles were/are about so much more. And Wenger...no one like him.

As a hardcore Arsenal fan who barely missed the invincibles season (started watching Arsenal matches in early 2006), this book has given me the sense and experience of having been with the fans during that period, at Highbury. A must-read for any Arsenal fan whether you have been watching during that period or not. Nostalgic.

Fantastic book. It was great to re-live that season through the eyes of the players and manager. All woven seamlessly on the page by Mrs Lawrence. It's also a reminder of why I don't want this ride with Wenger to end yet. He and these players gave us fans something we'll never forget. It's well worth the barren spell to have one season like that.

brilliant read. Amy is an avid supporter first and foremost, and a special talent in the written word. thanks for taking the reader inside the dressing room of one of Europe’s immortal sides.

Really, really worth it. I'm glad I got it. Told the story well. Folks if you are Soccer fan, get it.

Ms Lawrence made the memories spark anew as she wove contemporaneous and new storytelling in a masterful way.I loved that team and this book.

Invincible: Inside Arsenal's Unbeaten 2003-2004 Season PDF
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Invincible: Inside Arsenal's Unbeaten 2003-2004 Season PDF

Invincible: Inside Arsenal's Unbeaten 2003-2004 Season PDF

Invincible: Inside Arsenal's Unbeaten 2003-2004 Season PDF
Invincible: Inside Arsenal's Unbeaten 2003-2004 Season PDF

Rabu, 06 September 2017

Download PDF

Download PDF

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Yeah, reviewing a publication can add your close friends listings. This is among the formulas for you to be effective. As understood, success does not imply that you have terrific points. Comprehending and also understanding greater than various other will offer each success. Beside, the notification and also perception of this can be taken and chosen to act.

Product details

File Size: 94993 KB

Print Length: 128 pages

Publisher: MAD (September 5, 2017)

Publication Date: September 5, 2017

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English



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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#149,279 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Mildly amusing in some spots, but lacks the “punch” that I remember from classic Mad magazines of my youth.

Not worth it

Funny and clever the whole way through. No opponent of this regime should miss this book. MAD Magazine is tougher on Trump than the Democrats--and funnier. Not just about Trump, it also rips Rosie O'Donnell, Pope Francis, and some other celebrities. Well worth the price.

I guess one of the perks of winning a presidential election is that you get to be skewered by humor magazines like MAD. In this volume they give Trump the expected going over. There are enough Clinton shots that it's quite clear they could have turned their guns on Hillary had the election turned out differently.This book follows the tried and true MAD method. A lot of one page poster bits, (repositioning popular movies and such as Trump features). Lots of one page joke ideas, (for example, Trump quotes opposite quotes from the Bible). There aren't too many long form cartoons or parodies, which was fine by me because sometimes they can be pretty labored, (for example, a Zombie Apprentice line up featuring dead celebrities went on way too long). Peppered throughout are one page checklists of Trump v. Clinton, or Trump v. The Pope, and so on, comparing their stats like two opposing boxers. They were especially clever. Lots of rewritten songs, (Christmas carols and the like), that had some witty rhymes and jokes. There's a great deal of photoshopping, which of course is new to people who grew up on 60's and 70's MAD. For example, I got a kick out of how all of the Republican contenders were dressed and posed for a fake J. Crew catalogue.It's hard to keep this sort of thing up for an entire book, (hair jokes, Trump University jokes, and so on), but they do their best with the material at hand. There aren't any deep cuts or penetrating takedowns. This is Jay Leno/Jimmy Fallon territory and the humor is PG-13. But that said, there were a few chuckles and grins, and some of the individual bits were very clever.All in all this was exactly what I would expect from a MAD style book, and I'd suggest that how you feel about MAD and its approach to topical humor will probably dictate, (along with your degree of loyalty or opposition to Trump), how much you enjoy this book.(Please note that I received a free advance will-self-destruct-in-x-days Adobe Digital copy of this book without a review requirement, or any influence regarding review content should I choose to post a review. Apart from that I have no connection at all to either the author or the publisher of this book.)

I grew up with MAD magazine; it fits my sense of humor well.I was thinking of purchasing the latest "serious" top-selling books about the current President, but since things are going from bad to worse in this administration, I wanted to lighten up my perspective. Ah, this just fit the bill !

MAD About Trump is quite funny if you're not a Trump follower. They should have gone deeper into some specific criticisms, such as Trump's legal problems, his attack on the environment, and so on, but there are several pieces in here that are especially witty. I plan to hang the fake diploma from the fake Trump University on my wall. Maybe one fourth of the book I found rather lame. But overall it was funny and I'm glad I bought it.

A few good hits but mostly just like a copy of Mad Magazine at a much bigger price.

We got the book to read, and made it most of the way through before our mastiff ate it. Up to that point, we enjoyed it. After that point, the dog did, too.





Jumat, 01 September 2017

Free PDF Deep Learning in Natural Language Processing

Free PDF Deep Learning in Natural Language Processing

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Deep Learning in Natural Language Processing

Deep Learning in Natural Language Processing

Deep Learning in Natural Language Processing

Free PDF Deep Learning in Natural Language Processing

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Deep Learning in Natural Language Processing

From the Back Cover

In recent years, deep learning has fundamentally changed the landscapes of a number of areas in artificial intelligence, including speech, vision, natural language, robotics, and game playing. In particular, the striking success of deep learning in a wide variety of natural language processing (NLP) applications has served as a benchmark for the advances in one of the most important tasks in artificial intelligence. This book reviews the state of the art of deep learning research and its successful applications to major NLP tasks, including speech recognition and understanding, dialogue systems, lexical analysis, parsing, knowledge graphs, machine translation, question answering, sentiment analysis, social computing, and natural language generation from images. Outlining and analyzing various research frontiers of NLP in the deep learning era, it features self-contained, comprehensive chapters written by leading researchers in the field. A glossary of technical terms and commonly used acronyms in the intersection of deep learning and NLP is also provided. The book appeals to advanced undergraduate and graduate students, post-doctoral researchers, lecturers and industrial researchers, as well as anyone interested in deep learning and natural language processing. 

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About the Author

Li Deng is the Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer of Citadel since May 2017. Prior to Citadel, he was the Chief Scientist of AI, the founder of Deep Learning Technology Center, and Partner Research Manager at Microsoft. Prior to Microsoft, he was a tenured full professor at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada as well as teaching and conducting research at MIT (Cambridge), ATR (Kyoto, Japan) and HKUST (Hong Kong). He is a Fellow of the IEEE, a Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America, and a Fellow of the ISCA. He has also been an Affiliate Professor at University of Washington since 2000. He was an elected member of Board of Governors of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, and was Editors-in-Chief of IEEE Signal Processing Magazine and of IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing (2008-2014), for which he received the IEEE SPS Meritorious Service Award. In recognition of the pioneering work on disrupting speech recognition industry using large-scale deep learning, he received the 2015 IEEE SPS Technical Achievement Award for “Outstanding Contributions to Deep Learning and to Automatic Speech Recognition." He also received numerous best paper and patent awards for the contributions to artificial intelligence, machine learning, natural language processing, information retrieval, multimedia signal processing, and speech processing. He is an author or co-author of six technical books. Yang Liu is an associate professor at the Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University. He received his PhD degree from the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Computing Technology in 2007. His research focuses on natural language processing and machine translation. He has published over 50 papers in leading NLP/AI journals and conferences such as Computational Linguistics, ACL, AAAI, EMNLP, and COLING. He won the COLING/ACL 2006 Meritorious Asian NLP Paper Award and the National Science and Technology Progress Award second prize. He served as Associate Editor of ACM TALLIP, ACL 2014 tutorial co-chair, ACL 2015 local arrangement co-chair, IJCAI 2016 senior PC, ACL 2017 area co-chair, EMNLP 2016 area co-chair, SIGHAN information officer, and the general secretary of the Computational Linguistics Technical Committee of Chinese Information Processing Society. 

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Product details

Hardcover: 329 pages

Publisher: Springer; 1st ed. 2018 edition (May 24, 2018)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 9811052085

ISBN-13: 978-9811052088

Product Dimensions:

6.2 x 1 x 9.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.5 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

2.7 out of 5 stars

3 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#609,214 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

It's a compilation of high-level summaries of NLP papers. Half of the book are references. No wonder the "authors" are called "editors". I can't believe I spent $120 on this.

No doubt these two authors are highly knowledgeable in the field, but you won't gain much from spending this $ on the book. The other review is exactly right. This book is just a bunch of references, and doesn't teach you much. Just a survey of recent methods, look somewhere else for a textbook. Book should be priced at half of current listing at most.

I completely disagree with the other two reviewers. This book is a curated survey, and it does a superb work in describing the state of the art in deep natural language processing at the end of 2017. Each chapter is self-contained and you will get a full understanding of the progress made in sentiment analysis, q&a, traditional npl, knowledge graph, assistant, decisions, captioning, image analysis. I definitely recommend the book if you want to get uptodate instead of reading hundreds of articles, find them, and buy them

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