Minggu, 23 November 2014

Download PDF , by Maggie Dallen

Download PDF , by Maggie Dallen

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, by Maggie Dallen

, by Maggie Dallen

, by Maggie Dallen

Download PDF , by Maggie Dallen

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, by Maggie Dallen

Product details

File Size: 1228 KB

Print Length: 199 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publication Date: February 13, 2019

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#4,421 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Seventeen-year-old Avery has been acting since she was a small child and is a famous TV star. Most recently, she's been playing the part of a teenage vamp in a long-running nighttime soap opera for the past three years. Her mother, Shirley, is outstanding as Avery's cynical, well-connected manager, but lousy as a nurturing mother, and there is no father in the picture, because he abandoned Avery and her mother when Avery was only eight.Avery is an extreme introvert who has never dated and never been kissed for real--only fake kisses onscreen. Her preference for an ideal evening is lounging in pajamas at home, listening to the sexy voice of the young, handsome voice actor, Trent Wagner, who narrates Avery's all-time favorite, young-adult, steampunk, pirate-romance series, Rogue Debutante. The only boy that Avery, in her secret daydreams, longs to date is Trent.Unfortunately for Avery's peace of mind, in order to further her career, Shirley has insisted for some time that Avery constantly play the part of child star turned diva teen as her brand. This basically consists of an image for the entertainment press of Avery as, best case, a mysterious loner, who is a kind of modern-day Greta Garbo type and, worst case, a cliche Mean Girl who is a stuck-up bubblehead. As utterly false as that persona is, given that the real Avery is humble and very smart, at least Avery has avoided playing the part of Avery the Diva as a typical, Hollywood Bad Girl, an extroverted party gal who frequently gets into trouble, flits from guy to guy, and incessantly vies for splashy coverage in the entertainment tabloids.Worn out with constantly living a fake life as an arrogant, entitled jerk, Avery longs for a chance to play the most desirable role she can imagine--pretending to be an ordinary, unassuming teenage girl. Since she's been home-schooled via excellent, demanding tutors her whole life, she is fully capable of inserting herself seamlessly into the course load of a brick-and-mortar school, and she demands that her mother allow her to attend a real school, with real people, for her junior year in high school. Wonder of wonders, after a great deal of nagging, Shirley finally gives in but, given Avery's superstar status, the closest to a regular school she can safely attend is Trudale, an extremely exclusive boarding school for the arts, which caters to the snooty offspring of the rich and famous.Seventeen-year-old Seth is one of the few, token scholarship students at Trudale. As a junior in high school, his passionately desired career path is to become a filmmaker. Though he is also a talented voice actor who has been the ghost-voice behind the recordings created under the name of his roommate, Trent, for the bestselling, Rogue Debutante series, he has no acting ambitions. The job is just a much needed paycheck which came about because Trent is massively lazy and has been more than happy to let Seth record the books in his name. This arrangement has allowed Trent's demanding father, an iconic, British star of blockbuster, James Bond type spy movies in the 80s and 90s, to be satisfied that Trent has supposedly fulfilled a gig dear old Dad got him, and Seth gains a profitable means to fund his upcoming university studies.The first meet between Avery and Seth is not propitious. They are assigned as partners for a crucial, final project in a highly competitive film class, and Seth, who sees Avery as a total poser and an incompetent idiot due to her Diva persona, makes no secret of his disdain for her. He has a huge amount riding on this project, given that important people will view the project at the end of the semester, and he is extremely worried that Avery will mess up his big chance to make vital connections in the film business.Then, a few days after she arrives at Trudale, Avery discovers that Trent is at Trudale as well, and more than that, he is Seth's roommate, which makes it imperative that Avery not remain Seth's enemy. When, through Seth, she begins to get to know Trent, however, to her great disappointment, he is nothing like she previously pictured in her romantic fantasies. And, strangely enough, hipster Seth slowly reveals himself as having a personality very much like her idealized, imaginary Trent.I really enjoyed this G-rated, young-adult, contemporary romance. Avery and Seth are both strong, compelling, sympathetic protagonists, and the evolution of their relationship from enemies, to friends, to romance is a fun journey for the reader to share. Both Avery and Seth have a strong growth arc, and their romance naturally evolves into a very satisfying, happy ending.This story is told from the alternating points of view of Avery and Seth, which is a real plus for me, personally, as a reader, because it allowed me to truly get to know Seth.This book is a keeper for me, and I'm sure I will read it again multiple times in the future. I highly recommend this YA romantic dramedy for romance fans of all ages.I rate this book as follows:Heroine: 5 starsHero: 5 starsSubcharacters: 4 starsSetting: 4 starsRomance Plot: 5 starsArtistic Careers Plot: 5 starsWriting: 5 starsOverall: 5 stars

This book is a fantastic palate cleanser. This book/novella is what I wanted Famous in love to be. For a person who enjoys the actress who's an introvert going to a semi normal school trope you're going to enjoy this. Especially with the added bonus of having a handsome cynic nerd plus audiobook voice acting. That in my opinion never gets discussed enough and for someone who wants to learn more about Audiobooks (and if I would be able to comprehend them) I appreciated the concept. My only complaints that I had with this was that I wanted more. I wanted more from the audiobook aspects of things I wanted to know more about being on the set of being in a music video and how that process works and how the characters worked on their final project. I appreciated the romance and friendship buildup the main characters made but I wish there was more with a couple of the side characters. Because of these points I have to give this novella a 3.5 out of 5 stars it is definitely one I would recommend to anyone who enjoys YA romance with some bookish/film aspects like I do.

I love this books unique plot. A teenage star who wants just a normal high school experience who feels more alone than ever, finds herself crushing on the voice that reads aloud the books she listens to. When she finds out her crush attends her school and then being paired up with the scholarship boy who hates the rich and famous, she finds her life taking a turn she never expected. This book was fun, sweet and had me feeling all the feels. I always enjoy Maggie's books and this one was no exception. If you like standalone, clean young adult romance then I recommend this book to you.Final Rating: 5 Stars

Maggie Dallen never disappoints in her YA stories. Audible Love is certainly no exception. For the older gentleman, if you want a break from you heavy reading, or the young adult looking for a good read, this one is for you.This story is about Seth and Avery. He is a scholarship student of the elite highschool for young actors and children of actors. She is teenage Diva wanting a normal highschool experience. Watching them get together and learning what they see on the outside, is not who they really are, has been quite enjoyable.

I had read many dark mysteries this year so I needed something to regear. Fortunately this was it and it was such a sweet story I rooted for both Avery and Seth. Good for anyone loving YA romances!

Cute story, but it felt rushed toward the end and I feel like there could’ve been so much more to the story.

I’ve long known that Maggie Dallen is the true Queen of YA high school romance. Audible Love: A Young Adult Romance certainly qualifies as such, and the romance between Avery and Seth is perfectly told. It’s also probably the only YA Hollywood story that I have ever read that has the feel of being totally genuine. I’ve no idea if it is as I’m not even remotely involved in the film industry but it ”feels” real - and that’s all a reader can really ask of an author. This is the kind of book, with its perfect plot and cast of character all perfectly written, that cries out for multiple reads. I’ve got a big TBR pile of books that look to be lots of fun, but I’ve already read this one twice and am tempted to do so again. Can’t give any higher praise than that. But for the fact that I’m literally dictating this review to my husband from my hospital bed I could go on and on with praises. The book definitely deserves it. Since I can’t do that I will simply note that the book is most definitely one to read, and it is easy to highly recommend. I’m definitely looking forward to the next book in this series (and really hoping that it’s Charlotte’s chance at romance).

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, by Maggie Dallen Kindle

, by Maggie Dallen PDF

, by Maggie Dallen PDF

, by Maggie Dallen PDF
, by Maggie Dallen PDF

Sabtu, 22 November 2014

Free Download Hindu Myths: A Sourcebook Translated from the Sanskrit (Penguin Classics), by Wendy Doniger

Free Download Hindu Myths: A Sourcebook Translated from the Sanskrit (Penguin Classics), by Wendy Doniger

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Hindu Myths: A Sourcebook Translated from the Sanskrit (Penguin Classics), by Wendy Doniger

Hindu Myths: A Sourcebook Translated from the Sanskrit (Penguin Classics), by Wendy Doniger

Hindu Myths: A Sourcebook Translated from the Sanskrit (Penguin Classics), by Wendy Doniger

Free Download Hindu Myths: A Sourcebook Translated from the Sanskrit (Penguin Classics), by Wendy Doniger

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Hindu Myths: A Sourcebook Translated from the Sanskrit (Penguin Classics), by Wendy Doniger

About the Author

Wendy Doniger holds doctoral degrees in Indian literature from Harvard and Oxford Universities and is the Mircea Eliade Professor of the History of Religions at the University of Chicago. Her publications include translations of The Rig Veda and The Laws of Manu for the Penguin Classics, and the acclaimed Kama Sutra for OUP.

Read more

Product details

Series: Penguin Classics

Paperback: 358 pages

Publisher: Penguin Classics; unknown edition (September 28, 2004)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 9780140449907

ISBN-13: 978-0140449907

ASIN: 0140449906

Product Dimensions:

5.1 x 0.6 x 7.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 6.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

3.4 out of 5 stars

26 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#385,258 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Shipped very fast. New book with no marks or highlights. Very pleased! Thank you.

I am fairly unfamiliar with Hindu mythology, so I was very excited to get this collection. I can't speak for the translation job, but it was an enjoyable read.

Very hard to follow at times. Came promptly and was in great condition but was disappointed with the actual book. There's probably a better Hindu Myths book that isn't so hard to understand or to follow.

I ordered this book for a class im taking and was thrilled when i received it. Although i received an older version of the book all the same information was present in the text so i didnt mind. The book was also very well maintained and looked like one of those old library treasures that was hidden on some shelf for many a year until just recently found... nonetheless very happy. Oh and the myths in the book are pretty interesting too; its a fun read that can make you think.

Very good specific read

It came on time and it was in very good condition! almost brand new. it came faster than i expected.

hinduism..well reflected....i am an ex hindu...honest representation..not a spin master

Very hard to follow.

Hindu Myths: A Sourcebook Translated from the Sanskrit (Penguin Classics), by Wendy Doniger PDF
Hindu Myths: A Sourcebook Translated from the Sanskrit (Penguin Classics), by Wendy Doniger EPub
Hindu Myths: A Sourcebook Translated from the Sanskrit (Penguin Classics), by Wendy Doniger Doc
Hindu Myths: A Sourcebook Translated from the Sanskrit (Penguin Classics), by Wendy Doniger iBooks
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Hindu Myths: A Sourcebook Translated from the Sanskrit (Penguin Classics), by Wendy Doniger Mobipocket
Hindu Myths: A Sourcebook Translated from the Sanskrit (Penguin Classics), by Wendy Doniger Kindle

Hindu Myths: A Sourcebook Translated from the Sanskrit (Penguin Classics), by Wendy Doniger PDF

Hindu Myths: A Sourcebook Translated from the Sanskrit (Penguin Classics), by Wendy Doniger PDF

Hindu Myths: A Sourcebook Translated from the Sanskrit (Penguin Classics), by Wendy Doniger PDF
Hindu Myths: A Sourcebook Translated from the Sanskrit (Penguin Classics), by Wendy Doniger PDF

Rabu, 05 November 2014

Free PDF , by Philip Maffetone

Free PDF , by Philip Maffetone

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, by Philip Maffetone

Free PDF , by Philip Maffetone

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, by Philip Maffetone

Product details

File Size: 5055 KB

Print Length: 529 pages

Publisher: Skyhorse (September 22, 2010)

Publication Date: September 22, 2010

Sold by: Simon & Schuster Digital Sales Inc.

Language: English




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Lending: Not Enabled

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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#135,405 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Heart rate training was a revelation to me! A former marathoner, after years of being away I decided to get back into running by signing up for an ultra-marathon (yeah, I know...) My main concerns are not getting a competitive finish time - they are simply finishing the race still on my feet. Heart-rate training is just what I needed. Proponents point out that, the longer the race (think 100-milers) the big risk is not going too slow. It is completely running out of fuel or some other disaster that results in that dreaded DNF: did not finish. Though my ultra is only 50k, most people in my gender/age group are on the course for a good 8 hours so hitting "the wall" is a valid concern.Enter heart-rate training. The premise is to run in a zone where you are burning fat. At any given time, you may only have about 2500 calories of glucose in your muscles and liver. If you run out, that is likely the end of your race. But even a slender person has over 100,000 calories of fat available. Heart-rate training allows you to conserve carbohydrate and burn the fat.My first run with a monitor was an easy 6-mile. I had gone no more than 50 yards when my monitor was beeping - my heart-rate was already too high! I found I was working WAY to hard and zipping right by the aerobic zone into being anaerobic, burning sugar. The funny thing is, when I finally tweaked my speed down to where I could jog for extended periods, my first thought was "This is easy - I could run forever at this pace!" Which, of course, is the whole idea :)So why not 5 stars? I don't love the diet. Now, that is not to say it doesn't work. I stuck with it for a week...but as a semi-vegetarian I just got mightily tired of not getting to have stuff like sweet potatoes, rice, etc. To be fair, the initial diet is meant only to be a 2-week test so perhaps this is an unfair assessment. But training with the heart-rate monitor is something I am completely sold on.

Today with the great popularity of endurance sports, there are dozens of books on endurance training. Many of them are pretty much worthless, as the tired and dated approach of applying a 'formula' to the complex, dynamic and highly individual challenge of endurance training continues to be popular. Dr. Maffetone offers a refreshing alternative based on supporting your health while you pursue fitness. This is something often overlooked by the highly motivated, goal oriented endurance athletes keen on working hard and going fast. If you care about being healthy, leading a balanced life, and honoring your body, this book will change your life. Dr. Maffetone's approach is incredibly simple, but based on good science and decades of hands-on experience, including his work with some of the greatest endurance athletes of all time, Mike Pigg, Mark Allen, Tim DeBoom and others. I'm not kidding when I say this book is one of a kind. It's an absolutely must-read for any endurance athlete, but more than that, its principles are really the only way to go if you want to be fit and healthy.

Fantastic book. Covers the MAF heart rate training subject and so much more. If you want to burn the most fat possible while training this is the book for you. Great method for Low Carb dieters as well since the workouts are all fat fueled and minimize carb burning. Transformed my way of training for killing myself anaerobically with Crossfit to much longer less intense workouts that maximize cardio gains.

No-one knows endurance physiology like Phil Maffetone, and it is great to get all his thinking in one volume. I have most of his books but this one is my favorite. Over the years I have trained for and competed in 51 Ironman Triathlons, and 24 Ultraman triathlons, and have had great success when using his methods, and seen poor results when i stray into other training regimens. I'm giving Phil 5 stars for staying relevant with this book.Dr. Foulk

Endurance has never been my forte... My old roommate had this book, and bought a heart rate monitor and watch to keep track of her training. After reading most of the book, I decided to buy a monitor also to use while working out too. I'm a biologist, and enjoyed the technical explanations of how the body reacts to exercise. The book was an easy read, yet full of information. I'm not an endurance racer by any stretch of the imagination, but the methods in this book did help me build my cardio without feeling like my heart was going to burst. The nutrition guide in the book was also helpful without being too preachy.

This book is (extremely) useful to competitive and amateur athletes, alike. It came highly recommended to me from a friend and he thought it would help me as much as it helped him. At that time, he was a highly competitive Ironman triathlete and I was an overweight, newbie struggling to do a 5K. That just says, this book is not just focussed on pros OR amateurs. It relates to everyone because it focusses on teaching basic principles of fitness and how our body works.Dr Maffetone touches on many important aspects that are overlooked by 90% of the people (including active/fit people!) such as aerobic vs anaerobic energy, role of carbohydrates, HR as an effective tool, using FAT as a fuel in long races (you heard it right!). Throughout the book, Phil uses examples of how he helped various athletes and non-athletes in improving their personal records and injury prevention just by improving their basics.The book itself is written in a very simple manner and is an easy read. If you are looking for 10minutes a day/ 3x per week magic workouts/schedules here... prepare to be disappointed. One has to read, digest and apply this information to their workouts and diet. Some of his concepts, might seem unconventional but they work very well. Whether you choose to follow Phil Maffetone's methodology to train for your next race or not, is upto you. But regardless, it provides a wealth of information for any enthusiast in world of endurance sports.

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Minggu, 02 November 2014

PDF Ebook Heart to Heart : New Poems Inspired by Twentieth-Century American Art, by Jan Greenberg

PDF Ebook Heart to Heart : New Poems Inspired by Twentieth-Century American Art, by Jan Greenberg

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Heart to Heart : New Poems Inspired by Twentieth-Century American Art, by Jan Greenberg

Heart to Heart : New Poems Inspired by Twentieth-Century American Art, by Jan Greenberg

Heart to Heart : New Poems Inspired by Twentieth-Century American Art, by Jan Greenberg

PDF Ebook Heart to Heart : New Poems Inspired by Twentieth-Century American Art, by Jan Greenberg

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Heart to Heart : New Poems Inspired by Twentieth-Century American Art, by Jan Greenberg

From Publishers Weekly

Lee Upton on Louise Bourgeois's Defiance, William Jay Smith on Ellie Nadelman's Woman at a Piano and Naomi Shihab Nye on Florine Stettheimer's The Cathedrals of Broadway are just a few entries in Heart to Heart: New Poems Inspired by Twentieth-Century American Art. Coupling large-type poems with full-page reproductions 47 out of 48 in full color editor Jan Greenberg puts ekphrasor and ekphrasee in happy proximity. Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information, Inc.

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From School Library Journal

Gr 5 Up-Greenberg invited 43 poets to choose a piece of modern art and to write a poetic response to it. The result is a gorgeous, thoughtful, stimulating collection of art and poetry that turns the standard poetry/art book on its head. "How would you paint a poem?" Bobbi Katz asks in her response to a Mark Rothko painting. "Prepare the canvas carefully/With shallow pools of color/Stacked secrets waiting to be told-." Greenberg's book might best be seen as an embodiment of that poem. Each work of art is impeccably reproduced, the color and design are exceptional, and each poem is given room on the page to breathe. The art glows, the words reflect the images and create more light-"Florine, we would live inside your colors! Red joy,/golden rushes of hope-" Naomi Shihab Nye writes about Florine Stettheimer's The Cathedrals of Broadway. If a picture book is defined as a marriage of word and art, then Heart to Heart is not only a wonderful poetry collection, but also a picture book of the highest quality.-Kathleen Whalin, Greenwich Country Day School, CTCopyright 2001 Cahners Business Information, Inc.

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Product details

Hardcover: 80 pages

Publisher: Harry N. Abrams; First Edition edition (April 1, 2001)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 9780810943865

ISBN-13: 978-0810943865

ASIN: 0810943867

Product Dimensions:

8.9 x 0.5 x 10.4 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.2 out of 5 stars

5 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#863,010 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

An amazing work of art! The poets are well matched with the art they chose and the poems are good enough to give you chills. A must for any serious collector of contemporary poetry.

Let me quickly write a disclaimer that I only purchased this book to use as a required book for my daughters' course on the 20th century this coming year. I had expected a longer book covering more poetry of the 2oth century. The book does have a number of artists represented, but I would not plan to spend $13 for the book again.

This is a great book for artists and non artists alike. It is a useful tool for any age group in understanding visual imagery. The poetry is done in response to art that ranges in style and media, giving the reader/viewer a wide exposure to the arts.The poerty is crisp, interesting and meaningful to contemporary culture without being trite or overly stylized.This book is a great educational resource, coffee table book, or good cure for the common boredom!

Beautiful poetry book, wonderful selections for my third and fourth graders.

Bought this book because it was part of the Sonlight 300 curriculum. Because it reflects poetry from the 20th century it rarely rhymes which can be hard to get used to. But, it does have a picture for every poem, most of which are color and relate to the poem. The pictures are all from the 20th century so your study of Modern American History can be that much more complete.

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Heart to Heart : New Poems Inspired by Twentieth-Century American Art, by Jan Greenberg PDF

Heart to Heart : New Poems Inspired by Twentieth-Century American Art, by Jan Greenberg PDF

Heart to Heart : New Poems Inspired by Twentieth-Century American Art, by Jan Greenberg PDF
Heart to Heart : New Poems Inspired by Twentieth-Century American Art, by Jan Greenberg PDF