Jumat, 24 Agustus 2012

Download , by James Dean

Download , by James Dean

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, by James Dean

, by James Dean

, by James Dean

Download , by James Dean

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, by James Dean

Product details

File Size: 10811 KB

Print Length: 32 pages

Publisher: HarperCollins (May 27, 2014)

Publication Date: May 27, 2014

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English



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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#114,192 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

My toddler loves the wheels on the bus and she LOVED this book when we got it from the library. The only problem was that the library had the regular book, and toddlers are not very gentle with paper pages. I was hesitant to get the board book because I didn't want an even shorter version with 4 pages (that sort of book gets VERY old to read again and again and again). The good news is that the board book is exactly the same as the original book and my daughter is thrilled. The bad news is that I read this book 5 times in a row tonight.

I'm 39 and I love Pete the Cat, especially this one because I drove a school bus for 10 years.

Compared to other Pete the Cat books, I find this one a bit boring. Not a recommended buy.

My baby loves The wheels on the bus. This one of course, is not the famous song version. It miss the parts of daddy, mommy and baby on the bus. A couple of pages seems kind of the same. Overall, it’s a nice book to have.

My 2 year old loves this book. I think it’s way longer than it needs to be, but she whole heartedly disagrees and that’s what matters. We read it a lot.

My 2 year old is freaking obsessed with Pete the Cat. She loves all these books. The more of them, the better. This one is her favorite because it involves dogs and actions. I have definitely read it 10+ times a day since we got it. She also loves the art style!

My son loves Pete the Cat & this has quickly become a favorite book! We can no longer sing the normal "Wheels on the Bus" song, he specifically asks for the "kitty" version. This book is a cute, fun take on the traditional song.

This was kind of an ingenious extension of the Pete the Cat brand - the premise of the book is that Pete the Cat enacts scenes from the song "The Wheels on the Bus." I don't know what it is about the book, whether it is the illustrations or the song that makes this book so endearing to my kids, but they sing along and point out the dog and have a great time reading this book.I definitely recommend this book, especially for Pete the Cat enthusiasts.

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, by James Dean PDF

, by James Dean PDF
, by James Dean PDF

Senin, 20 Agustus 2012



Living in this brand-new age will intend you to constantly compete with others. Among the modal to compete is the thought, mind, as well as knowledge included experience that on by a person. To take care of this problem, everyone must have better understanding, minds, and also thought. It is to feel competed with the others, obviously in doing the compassion and this life to be better. Among the manner ins which can be done is by analysis.


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Product details

File Size: 251 KB

Print Length: 49 pages

Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1475274424

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publication Date: August 5, 2014

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Word Wise: Not Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Screen Reader:


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"popoverLabel": "The text of this e-book can be read by popular screen readers. Descriptive text for images (known as “ALT text”) can be read using the Kindle for PC app if the publisher has included it. If this e-book contains other types of non-text content (for example, some charts and math equations), that content will not currently be read by screen readers.",

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Enhanced Typesetting:


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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#1,422,181 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

If you are going to write, buy this book. Study it. Take it to heart. While it may not enable you to write that bestseller, it will make you into a writer.

I purchased the ebook The Elements of Style. It has the fourth edition cover, but it's actually the free Project Gutenberg 1st edition, written solely by William Strunk Jr in 1918. It is dishonest for Amazon to sell this; I called customer service and obtained a refund.

This publication of the book is sub par quality. It looks like someone found the text of the original Elements of Style online, copied and pasted it into Word, printed it, and bound it together in a cheap cover. There are even "track changes" edits throughout the book! The formatting is a mess everywhere with large unexplained spaces and gaps. This is truly an unacceptable product and should not even be sold. It is false advertising and I am returning it immediately with a complaint to Amazon.I gave it three stars so people would be more likely to read my review. DO NOT BUY THIS VERSION!! ISBN-13 9781537669649

Don't buy this kindle version, it's full of formatting errors. A shame to see a grammar book trashed like this. I had to ask for a refund. Look somewhere else.

Thumbnail shows 4th edition cover; ebook is actually the Project Gutenberg that is "for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost."

I've read two different editions of this book - I borrowed the 6th? 7th? edition (the one with the blue cover that is expanded) and I own the 3rd edition (which is not expanded). Let me tell you, this slim book packs a powerful punch. I've always struggled with being concise in my writing, and this book is THE book to help you maximize your writing. It should be required in high schools everywhere.Back when I worked for a newspaper, one of my editors was trying to get a review of mine on a particular page, which meant he needed to edit a little bit out ... he came back and told me - I couldn't edit your review. Every word was essential. - YES. Thank you, Strunk & White.

This review isn't to the content of the book, but about the Kindle Edition.The book I downloaded had the cover for the Strunk and E.B. White version, Fourth Edition but was actually the 1920 edition with the wrong cover. So just wanted to give potential readers of this book a head's up that if you want to buy this book on Kindle, do the "Look Inside" preview to make sure the edition matches the cover and description.

First published in 1920, this definitive text on English grammar and composition answers most style questions in approximately 100 pages. There have been countless other efforts since this one, often with hundreds more pages, but none do it better. It answers the basic questions any writer occasionally encounters-comma usage, clauses, paragraphs and construction. Despite the fact it's been nearly 100 years since this book was written, it's never been rendered obsolete. It doesn't matter if your field is business or creative writing, the rules of structure still apply. The English language is imprecise and difficult to master but without understanding the elements of it then properly constructing anything from an email to a thesis or novel will not occur. In these days of emojis and alphabetical shortcuts, we are losing the battle of writing proper sentences but this book, if studied, will remind us of how important the written word is and how to make it understandable. A must read for anyone interested in writing well.

The famous, beloved version of this book is the version by *Strunk and White* (written a hundred years ago by William Strunk and – importantly – updated by E.B. White), and that's what this product is pretending to be (worse, actually, it's pretending to be the version illustrated by Maira Kalman). In fact, the Kindle version presented here was neither updated by E.B. White nor illustrated by Maira Kalman; it's just the old public domain text.
