Jumat, 19 Agustus 2011

Download , by Liz Durano

Download , by Liz Durano

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, by Liz Durano

, by Liz Durano

, by Liz Durano

Download , by Liz Durano

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, by Liz Durano

Product details

File Size: 8270 KB

Print Length: 299 pages

Publication Date: October 12, 2016

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#31,755 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

The high ratings, rave reviews, and the premise of the book is what initially drew me to purchase this book. I'm usually not a fan of first POV, but it's not often you come across a book that has a dual POV from the heroine and the hero. The dual POV makes for an interesting story and adds another layer of distinctiveness.The story takes place outside of Taos, New Mexico. The author does an incredible job of describing the desert and the environmentally friendly unique home that our main characters stay in. Durano paints such a beautiful vivid description of the New Mexico desert. I would often take a break from the story and Google the places that were described!However the first person POV - didn't work. Harlow's internal monologue was too long and some of the lines were cheesy;"Does Dax know just how handsome he is?Does he realize just how the chiseled lines of his jaw are even more defined by a beard that’s trimmed so perfectly, making this woman’s stomach tighten in knots?Is he aware just how his mouth begs to be kissed again, for me to toss every ounce of self-respect left in me out the window and just take what I can?"Dax's POV wasn't believable. It didn't feel like you were reading from a male perspective even with the swear words and talk of his male anatomy whenever he was around Harlow. I never understood why female authors think that the only way to make it a believable alpha male POV is to have them swear and talk crudely. There were too many lines that felt like it was a female talking rather than a male. It was hard to immerse yourself in the story when the dialogues felt contrived and awkward. The dialogue and storyline didn't flow, it felt forced.This could have been a great story because of the premise, but it fell short. However that's just my opinion.

This was the first book I'd read from this author and I have to say that I am happy to have found another good one. The storyline was well written, although a few times repetitive with description of certain aspects involved, it didn't hinder the effects of the story. The premise is a second chance of love, but the story goes way beyond that. So much more.....It starts with a bang, then enter another and another. I was in tears, I wanted to punch Jeff, I fell in love with Dax and the whole family and thank God for Kathy. It was wonderfully full of angst and love and friendships and so many emotions that I was exhausted, but got through it. My only reason for not giving a five star is because of the ending. It just stopped for me. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad it happened - the outcome, but another chapter explaining some major unanswered what happens now about this and that is still left in the air. For me it wasn't enough of an ending to complete the story thoroughly. I wanted answers, I wanted perhaps some justice, maybe more on what happens to the other woman etc. The truth... still recommend this book.

I enjoy reading romances with an older female (over 30). She falls for a younger, successful man named Dax when he mistakenly heads to the place he built, but was rented to her. She ran away from her broken marriage, heartbreak, and loss of a career and ended up in New Mexico. It starts with her almost committing suicide in a moment of despair. That caught my attention. It also helped give depth to the story.Their romance was hot and sexy. It was also built on lies and omissions. Both could be immature and were hurt in other relationships. Their pain pasts made them relatable. Their differences added to the story as they were both successful, but in very different fields. He was mature, and definitely not a kid. She was immature at times, with more to learn, even though she was older than he.I really appreciated that he got the test done. This was not another romance where in the middle of sex they yell out,"I'm clean!" That can be so annoying.Also it was easy to fall for his family and see how different his mother and father's relationship was. Romance does not come in a one size fits all package. There were humorous and touching parts. I also liked that she was a foster kid who was still dealing with being unwanted and being made fun of. He identified more with his mother's side and spoke Spanish to his abuela.This was my first time reading a novel by this author. I would be interested in reading more by her.

I had to stay until three o'clock to finish this. It was wonderful to know that one can be a master at something without going to college. Harlow went to college and became a top surgeon but somehow it wasn't the happiness that she was looking for. Along came Dax. I loved where he lived and how he lived and his outlook on life. Wow did Harlow ever learn a lot from a noncollege person 13 years younger that her. Whom she first referred to as a boy and later changed to a man. What fun knowledge and what common sense knowledge that could fill a book. That's what I perceived it to be. Let go of those lofty ideas and ideals and love.

What a wonderfully sweet and sexy hot story. I loved Dax and Harlow's romance. The longer you live, and the older you get, you realize age means nothing in a relationship. I was glad to read a story that proved that.Another reason I enjoyed the story was the Earthship home. I've read about the off the grid homes in Taos, New Mexico for many years. It made for a very unique back ground in which to focus the story.Dax and Harlow have so much more than their age difference impeding their relationship. Harlow's divorce isn't final yet, so right from the start of their relationship, there are huge roadblocks. There is opposition from Dax's family from the beginning for all the above reasons. So being together seems doomed from the beginning.The story is all around refreshing, wonderfully written, and I encourage you to read this for yourself. You'll be glad you did.

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, by Liz Durano PDF