Rabu, 28 April 2010

Download PDF , by Robin Hobb

Download PDF , by Robin Hobb

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, by Robin Hobb

, by Robin Hobb

, by Robin Hobb

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, by Robin Hobb

Product details

File Size: 2640 KB

Print Length: 832 pages

Page Numbers Source ISBN: 0008117454

Publisher: Spectra; Reprint edition (December 30, 2003)

Publication Date: December 30, 2003

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#15,353 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Ship of Magic is not just one of the best fantasy books I've read but one of the best fiction books I've ever read. I was reluctant to leave Fitz after finishing the first trilogy. But it turns out that I enjoyed Ship of Magic even more. As this is only the first book of a trilogy, it makes for even higher praise.Many books and other pieces of art leave you feeling that maybe you yourself could have slapped it together with a little work. But this book is a unique and irreproducible masterwork of craftsmanship from start to finish. You are left wide-eyed asking, "how did you doooo that?"The pages are dripping with heart, care and wisdom. The plot and storytelling are beautifully paced. The world-building is done so well that you simply buy into talking wood. The dialogue and characterization are so smart you feel as if you are sitting at a table listening to old friends.For me, the most impressive aspect of Hobb is her emotional intelligence and grasp of real human nature and human behavior. Good and evil will overlap between characters. People act with nobility in one scene while flawed and selfish in another. Each character struggles with very believable conflicts that have no neat answers or solutions.The world setting is extremely gritty and outcomes are unpredictable. And with all this, there are deeper philosophical points being made strongly throughout, without making you feel as if the author is *trying* too hard to do it. They just arise organically from the plot.The historical period of the setting is captured very well, from the style of dialogue to the expectations of age and gender. Hobb effectively writes from many different perspectives at once. You will be inside the head of an individual character for a moment, then an omniscient perspective, then inside the head of another character. It felt seamless, and it's a style that effectively immerses the reader. You will walk a mile in the shoes of the characters while watching yourself do it.

George R.R. Martin is not kidding with his praise of this trilogy.I won't lie; I really didn't like the Assassin's Apprentice trilogy (have not read the Tawny Man...). I found it hard to invest in heroes that never seemed to be on the winning side of things, and a story that seemed to have no light or joyous moments to contrast the dark.But the Liveship Traders trilogy is on another level of fantasy. It bursts with action and adventure, tenderness, beauty, joy, and a lot of depth and darkness too. Other reviewers have said it all more elegantly than I have, so I will just say this: I came to this series after reading "Uprooted" by Naomi Novik and feeling intensely hungry for some badass heroines. I was stunned by how incredible the world of this book was, how original, how finely crafted, how thrillingly the small reveals and surprises were spun out.If you're anxiously waiting for Patrick Rothfuss to hurry up, this trilogy will not only help you pass the time, but totally engross you. And once you're done with this, I highly recommend "Uprooted" next...

This book starts off a bit slow for me, and I found the concept of a wooden ship becoming a living being a bit of a stretch as characterized. However, that said, this is a trilogy, and the story picks up speed and begins to unfold as the book progresses. So, I suspect a lot of this book is laying the groundwork--and foreshadowing--events to come in later works. There are parts, particularly in the last half, where the action is intense and captivating. The book is, of course, well written. I gave it a 4 instead of a 5 because I had to push myself to get to the middle based on my enjoyment of the last trilogy I read. We'll just have to see if the story continues to travel as I suspect. Some of the foreshadowed things to come are interesting such as to how a living ship--come alive from inanimate wood--and a sea serpent could suspect they are kin to one another for example. Last, I'd like to say that historically, all well-written works take the time to develop characters. We, on the other hand have lost the patience for that and want to dive right in to full-blown drama in the first 5 pages. So, the author holds to a time honored strategy of laying her groundwork first that is missing in many of today's books, and unappreciated by many readers--thus, I kept reading with this expectation which was fulfilled.

I came to The Liveship Trilogy from the Farseer and Tawny Man trilogies. This is actually a sidestep between those two that takes place in the same world but in another region. Only one character from the other two trilogies is involved in this story yet all of it weaves together to form a 9 book series. If I had not had the luxury of choosing to skip from Farseer to Tawny Man in order to stay with Fitz Chivalry I would have read everything in sequence......which I now see is the best way though not essential. Hobb has skillfully written the trilogies so that you need not venture to the Liveship series in order to maintain continuity. Having initially skipped to Tawny Man I did not feel anything was missing. Enough information was provided to fill any potential gaps. However, this is not to suggest that anything in the Liveship trilogy is not worth reading. This series stands on its own as well as fits together with the other two. It is an emotionally gripping tale full of characters you will learn to love. Fortunately this one ends leaving room to continue in a future story. Where Tawny picks up and ends does not define where Liveship could go. I do not regret the order I read them in because I needed to stay with Fitz Chivalry's story at the time. The design of each tolerates such a sequence. But Ideally, do yourself a favor and read the sequence in order from Farseer to Liveship to Tawny Man so you can gain the most from this wonderful tale.

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Minggu, 04 April 2010

Get Free Ebook The Excellent Wife: A Biblical Perspective, by Martha Peace

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The Excellent Wife: A Biblical Perspective, by Martha Peace

The Excellent Wife: A Biblical Perspective, by Martha Peace

The Excellent Wife: A Biblical Perspective, by Martha Peace

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The Excellent Wife: A Biblical Perspective, by Martha Peace

Product details

Paperback: 257 pages

Publisher: Focus Publishing; Revised edition (September 1, 1999)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1885904088

ISBN-13: 978-1885904089

Product Dimensions:

6.2 x 0.8 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.4 out of 5 stars

324 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#12,939 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Excellent biblical resource for ladies who are fed up with the shallowness of popular bible studies. Not for the faint of heart - this is for the woman who wants to know God's will and live it out.

I started reading this almost 10 years into our marriage and I am blown away by how much I’ve learned and have been able to apply already. I love a good practical book that provides plenty of life examples and this one sure does that. Every example is always backed with an abundance of Scripture, so I love that even more! I bought the parallel book (The Examplary Husband) for my hubby and we plan to go through it together.

This book made me stop and analyze my actions. It even made me think of how I respond in relationships with others.... other family members, friends, colleagues. The insight is phenomenal and I love that EVERYTHING is backed up with scripture. Thank you for such s well written and thought provoking book!

This book is doctrinally sound, filled with Scripture, and is an equal balance of encouragement as well as conviction. I would recommend this to any woman who is at any stage of marriage as well as looking for a spouse- it gets to the heart of being a woman of God, regardless of your martial or marriage status!

For a couple, this is one part of a great set of books. I've used these for both helping couples and for our family. Highly recommend as a Bible-based / actually helpful guide for any wife/future wife.

I absolutely love this book! Martha Peace is biblically sound and kindness! This book convicted me and is definitely something to read and re-read! It definitely helps a wife to be "excellent" and serve her husband biblically!

rare to find a book at this day in the church that actually teaches wives need to submit to their husbands -- helpful when you're trying to obey this command and understand what it requires

I wish I had read this book before I ever got married. Martha Peace has thoroughly covered Biblical marriage. There were some hard things in here that really convicted me, but I needed to hear. Not everyone grows up seeing a Biblical marriage with their parents - that is our first example. Even if you did, there is always room to learn and grow. Martha Peace backs everything up with scripture. I love this book and plan on giving it to friends and family before they marry. She starts in the book describing her life before Christ. Many of us have been down the same road she has been down. If you are reading this and are discouraged by bad reviews, please take the time to read it yourself.

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The Excellent Wife: A Biblical Perspective, by Martha Peace PDF

The Excellent Wife: A Biblical Perspective, by Martha Peace PDF

The Excellent Wife: A Biblical Perspective, by Martha Peace PDF
The Excellent Wife: A Biblical Perspective, by Martha Peace PDF

Sabtu, 03 April 2010

Ebook Download I, Eliza Hamilton, by Susan Holloway Scott

Ebook Download I, Eliza Hamilton, by Susan Holloway Scott

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I, Eliza Hamilton, by Susan Holloway Scott

I, Eliza Hamilton, by Susan Holloway Scott

I, Eliza Hamilton, by Susan Holloway Scott

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I, Eliza Hamilton, by Susan Holloway Scott


Praise for I, ELIZA HAMILTON“Scott expertly handles the complex history and complicated romance, moving the personal and political plots briskly…Readers will be captivated by the affecting portrait Scott has painted of Eliza as an American patriot who was witness and counsel to Alexander’s enduring legacy.” - Publishers Weekly (starred review)“Scott’s devotion to research is evident, and those who enjoy learning about history through fiction should find this to be a rewarding take on a fascinating historical couple.” – Library Journal “I, Eliza Hamilton is going to be your next Hamilton obsession." – Bustle“With the recent popularity of Alexander Hamilton comes the much deserved interest in his wife, Eliza. We've heard so much about Hamilton's story (thanks to his endless writings), but Susan Holloway Scott has introduced Eliza's voice into the mix. This piece of historical fiction tells the true story of Eliza Hamilton in a narrative that captures both her kindness and strength.” – Gillian Pensavalle, The Hamilcast: A Hamilton Podcast“While you’re waiting for Hamilton tickets, or if you’re obsessed with American history, this is the book to read this fall. Scott…brings a fascinating woman and tumultuous era to full-fledged life. The lavish details and meticulous research add resonance to Eliza’s voice as she relates the story of her marriage. The sensitive portrayal is a testament to the Hamilton’s abiding love and strong relationship, and proof of one woman’s courage.” - RT Book Reviews “Based on solid research, Scott’s novel is packed with political and historical as well as domestic details.” - Booklist“One of the best novels I’ve read in a long time.” –The Reverie Review

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About the Author

Susan Holloway Scott is the author of over fifty historical novels. Writing under several pen names, she has received numerous awards and critical acclaim for her bestselling books. Over three million copies of her books are in print, and her work has been published in nineteen foreign countries and translated into fourteen different languages. A frequent speaker at museums, colleges, and historical sites, Susan also maintains a world-wide following on social media through her blog, Twitter, and Instagram accounts. She is a graduate of Brown University, and lives with her family outside of Philadelphia. For more information about Susan and her books, visit her website at www.susanhollowayscott.com.www.susanhollowayscott.com

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Product details

Paperback: 400 pages

Publisher: Kensington (September 26, 2017)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1496712528

ISBN-13: 978-1496712523

Product Dimensions:

5.4 x 1.1 x 8.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 10.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.4 out of 5 stars

124 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#27,642 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

(There will be spoilers.)I was very excited to read I, ELIZA HAMILTON, a book that promises "behind the most timeless of heroes stands an exceptional heroine."I love historical fiction. I write historical fiction. And, like millions of other people, the musical HAMILTON sparked an interest in the Schulyer sisters. I figured this book would be right up my alley.I was wrong and very disappointed.I do want to begin, though, by saying that the story is extremely well-researched and meticulously detailed. I am extremely impressed by the scope and the knowledge shown here. The settings are exquisite. However...."Who lives, who dies, who tells your story." Great words from the musical, yes? I wish Susan Holloway Scott had put more thought into the idea behind those words.Ultimately, this is NOT a book about Eliza Schulyer Hamilton. It is the story of Alexander Hamilton AS TOLD BY Eliza. That's an important distinction.From the first chapter, the reader is bombarded by the minutiae of Revolutionary War politics, the war itself, and gossip. We hear, in some detail, about Eliza's parents and sisters (Angelica and Peggy), but virtually nothing about her brothers except that they existed. We learn nothing significant about her childhood and the story itself begins when she meets Alexander Hamilton.What follows is 400+ pages of a name-dropping Who's Who of the Revolutionary War and the early years of the United States. As Eliza wasn't directly involved with most of the events and people, she can only relate everything she heard/learned from other sources and it is tedious at best. There are interactions that feel very wooden and forced, as if they were only included so that a scandalous story can be relayed (i.e, the meeting with Peggy Arnold, so that the story of Benedict Arnold can be told).Eliza exhibits no real agency and few thoughts of her own. Her sole purpose in this book seems to be to rave and swoon about how marvelous Alexander is, how smart, how kind, how much they love each other, and how he can do no wrong. It's 400+ pages of schoolgirl gushing, ad nauseam. We learn very little of their children, with the exception of Philip and Angelica and when some of the others were ill. It's all about Alexander.The most significant events of the Hamilton marriage (the Reynolds Pamphlet, the death of their son Philip, and Alexander's death) are crammed into the last 55 pages (not counting the 1-page epilogue and the afterword). Philip and Alexander's deaths, surely some of the most devastating events Eliza ever dealt with, are delegated a mere 10 pages of coverage.Eliza lived for 50 years after Alexander died. In a book that claims to be about her, those 50 years are only covered in a 7-page afterword. That's it. Her fate, the fates of her children, her charitable endeavors, more than half of her life, all pushed into an afterword.If you are wanting to read a fictionalized, meticulously detailed, re-telling of Alexander Hamilton's life, then you will probably enjoy this. If you are in search of Eliza Schuyler Hamilton's tale, you will most likely be disappointed.Eliza deserves better.

My 12 year old 7th grader is an avid reader. Here is her review: --- "Eliza Schyler is a a twenty year old woman who helps entertain guests whenever they visit her father's house. One day, a cocky young man comes over, name Colonel Hamilton. Though not impressed with Hamilton at first, Eliza develops a fondness for him. Two years later, the pair is reunited and eventually fall in love. Throughout the novel, it describes their love, marriage, struggle, family, children, and even deaths. This is an amazing book about Eliza's life, written in a diary-type format with facts from the moment that Eliza first met Hamilton until the time of his death. I am a HUGE fan of the musical Hamilton, and my favorite character is Eliza, so it was really exciting to read more about her. This book gives a lot of information about the whole Schyler and Hamilton family. It made me cry when Eliza's husband died! This book made me love them even more. It also had background on James Madison, Marquis de Layfayette, John Laurens, George Washington -- and made me dislike Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr, more, ha! I wish there was more information about her childhood, and her life after Hamilton died, but that's the only thing I would change. I would really recommend it to Hamilton fans and anyone that likes historical fiction. I do think it is better for ages 12+ because of some of the content and the length of the text. Such a great novel!"

There are a few rather strict prerequisites I have in place with respect to reading historical fiction, especially historical romance. First (and it goes without saying), I must have a genuine affinity for the period in which it is set. Second, I have to be deeply interested in the characters at the center of the story. Third, I have to feel as if the facts have been meticulously researched. And of course, it must be compellingly written. There’s also the fact that I am, admittedly, a bit of a voyeur when it comes to reading about the lives of people who once actually existed and whom I greatly admire, so I want details – real ones, and plenty of them – and they must have much more than just a ring of truth.The era of our nation’s founding is my favorite historical period, and there is no historical figure whose life story fascinates me more than Alexander Hamilton. And since discovering the stunning musical "Hamilton" (and the Ron Chernow biography which inspired it) I have been most curious about his wife Eliza – or his “Betsey,” as he called her. I have enjoyed getting to know her by reading the letters Alexander wrote to her (and to their children) throughout their life together – they give such intimate insight into their remarkable relationship. When I first heard, then, about Susan Holloway Scott’s "I, Eliza Hamilton," I was understandably more than a little intrigued.I was very fortunate to have received an advance copy of the book, and I was not in the least disappointed. Told in the first person by Eliza herself, the story has been deeply researched and is richly detailed, without sounding like an academic biographical study. There is a cinematic quality to the writing, especially the dialogue, which makes it easy to visualize the unfolding events of that dynamic time during which a new nation was being fashioned, with no guarantees it would survive its earliest years. Eliza’s narrative speaks directly to us readers, as if we were sitting with her, listening to her tell us the story of her life with her most brilliant of geniuses, whose best qualities – his directness, his honesty, his generosity – could also be some of his most problematic and troubling. The dialogue is never stilted, yet manages to somehow convey the voice of some of Alexander’s original letters to her. Their deep love for each other is depicted with great sensitivity, from their breathless young courtship through the times of their later trials. There is an authentic eighteenth-century tone throughout the telling which makes it a pleasure to read (even out loud, as I sometimes found myself doing)."I, Eliza Hamilton" is the story of a marriage, of a remarkably strong relationship between two very different people who seem to have been fated for one another. Alexander’s brilliance and genius are never downplayed, yet his flaws are unflinchingly depicted as well. Eliza is a strong woman, very supportive of her husband, but with a mind of her own, never fawning. Their marriage survives extreme challenges, only to end in a tragedy which is the stuff of American legend.The author obviously cares very much for her characters, and has presented their story in a most sympathetic, readable manner. There were many joyous moments during which I found myself smiling or laughing out loud, and there were also a number of absolutely heartbreaking moments, during which (I’m not ashamed to say) I shed copious tears, even though I knew what was coming. In short, Susan Holloway Scott’s "I, Eliza Hamilton" met and exceeded all my rather rigid requirements for good historical fiction. I strongly recommend it to anyone interested in the beginnings of our American identity, and in the story of the man who did so much to forge that identity, and, more importantly, of the woman who supported him in so many ways.

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I, Eliza Hamilton, by Susan Holloway Scott PDF

I, Eliza Hamilton, by Susan Holloway Scott PDF

I, Eliza Hamilton, by Susan Holloway Scott PDF
I, Eliza Hamilton, by Susan Holloway Scott PDF

Jumat, 02 April 2010

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Diverticulitis Diet Solution for Diseases: Diverticulitis Symptoms, Cause, Treatment & Eating Plan

Product details

Paperback: 116 pages

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (October 1, 2018)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 172986953X

ISBN-13: 978-1729869536

Product Dimensions:

6 x 0.3 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 8.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.7 out of 5 stars

8 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#179,940 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

It is extremely helpful book, which can give you a lot of instructive information about different diseases and some methods to heal them. Of course, the book can't be the only source of information and you still have to visit qualitative doctor, but it can give you some really helpful tips. Thanks to this book, you will know your organism better and you will be able to improve your health, following the diet, which is described in book. To be honest, I think, this book is almost necessary "tool" now. I am grateful to the author.

The author has provided a complete understanding of Diverticulitis and step by step has been shown how to take care and treat this if it occurs any troubles or anxiety. I have got this book for my uncle but couldn't resist to read it by my own, and i think this can be a helpful resource guide to get a proper diet and treatment to cure it's effects.

Excellent!! I have this book for my uncle yet couldn't avoid to peruse it by my own, and I figure this can be a useful asset manual for motivate a legitimate eating routine and treatment to fix it's belongings.

Diverticulitis Diet Solution for Diseases such an excellent book. The author very clear and well writing its easy to understand. This book price great. I am glad to purchase this book. Thanks

Its a great book for diet solution. A great learning book. Providing important tips. Important approach. A great stuff book. Recommended.

Good read and information. Well written interesting and factual and informative. Helpful Book. I would recommend this book.

The book is well-organized and contains a lot of helpful information. Highly-recommended book!

This book is a resource for taking care of diverticulitis. It has some good suggestions for diet and herbal supplements.

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Diverticulitis Diet Solution for Diseases: Diverticulitis Symptoms, Cause, Treatment & Eating Plan PDF

Diverticulitis Diet Solution for Diseases: Diverticulitis Symptoms, Cause, Treatment & Eating Plan PDF

Diverticulitis Diet Solution for Diseases: Diverticulitis Symptoms, Cause, Treatment & Eating Plan PDF
Diverticulitis Diet Solution for Diseases: Diverticulitis Symptoms, Cause, Treatment & Eating Plan PDF